Sunday, February 3, 2013

A House you Never Want to Leave

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to St. George and do work in the Temple. It had been several weeks since I was able to go to the temple and serve. However, this was not an ordinary temple trip. My dad made a surprise trip to get out of the cold ( and to visit me). This was the first time I have ever gone into the temple with my dad. Out of all the times I have gone to the temple, which has been a lot, not once have I gone with my dad.

Since I was a little kid I always longed for the moment that I would get to go into the temple with my dad. Since he wasn't around as much and wasn't a part of my youth trips to the temple because he wasn't in my ward, I never had the opportunity to do work in the temple with him. I can't go into detail of how I felt that saturday in the temple, but what I can say is I could feel the love of my Father in Heaven confirm how much my dad loves me. This particular temple day was busy, we were in the temple for about 2 hours and 30 minutes. To some they may have seen this as a waste of time or too much time in a day to spend waiting in the temple; however this was a moment I didn't want to leave my Father's house. I had the opportunity to have my earthly father and my Heavenly Father present in the same area and know of my worth to them. 

I am so grateful for this experience to realize a glimpse of the love both of my fathers have for me. A temple trip with my father was one of the greatest experiences I could have while I am here at college. My dear roommate was able to be with me during this temple trip as well and we discussed afterwards how rewarding it is to do work in the temple with your father.  

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